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This experiential workshop is for anyone who’d like to learn more about Kriya Yoga, the core practice mentioned often in the “Autobiography of a Yogi,” the well-known spiritual bestseller by Paramhansa Yogananda. No prior knowledge of yoga or meditation is required, only a sincere interest.
Learn to Meditate
One key aspect of this weekend will be learning and practicing the same powerful technique of meditation that Paramhansa Yogananda selected and shared in the West. Meditation is one of the most natural yet profoundly rewarding of all human activities. Meditation not only reduces stress and improves physical and emotional well-being, it can help you be more focused, productive and calm regardless of outer conditions. Meditation can help you directly experience the divine realities within — the peace, joy and divine love that are your true nature. While its original and highest purpose is to help us awaken our spiritual nature, the benefits to body and mind are well established by medical research.
What is Kriya Yoga?
Kriya Yoga is an advanced and more powerful technique of meditation, which cannot be adequately conveyed in one weekend. This weekend is intended to give participants a “taste” of what Kriya is all about, through meditation, yoga, pranayama and energy-awareness techniques, plus discussions and questions and answers about Kriya Yoga. Much of what you’ll learn in this weekend will also serve to prepare and qualify you for eventually receiving initiation into Kriya Yoga.
Here are a few quotes describing Kriya Yoga from the Autobiography of a Yogi, primarily from Chapter 26, The Science of Kriya Yoga:
Kriya is an ancient science. Lahiri Mahasaya received it from his guru, Babaji, who rediscovered and clarified the technique after it had been lost in the Dark Ages. “The Kriya Yoga which I am giving to the world through you in this nineteenth century,” Babaji told Lahiri Mahasaya, “is a revival of the same science which Krishna gave, millenniums ago, to Arjuna, and which was later known to Patanjali, and to Christ, St. John, St. Paul, and other disciples.”
“Kriya Yoga is an instrument through which human evolution can be quickened. The ancient yogis discovered that the secret of cosmic consciousness is intimately linked with breath mastery. This is India’s unique and deathless contribution to the world’s treasury of knowledge.”
— Sri Yukteswar
“I myself consider Kriya the most effective device of salvation through self-effort ever to be evolved in man’s search for the infinite.”
— Swami Kebalananda

Takeaways from the workshop:
- Learn to meditate with the powerful technique Yogananda chose to take to the West
- A clear foundation towards beginning or deepening your personal sadhana practices
- A clear roadmap of the additional steps required to qualify for Kriya Yoga initiation
- A book, “Lessons in Meditation,” plus online videos, to help you establish and maintain a regular sadhana practice at home
- Ongoing support through WhatsApp for any questions that may come up in the future
Whether you’re interested in managing stress, finding peace, increasing your concentration or exploring spiritual realms, you’ll benefit from this workshop. You’ll learn to relax your body, calm and concentrate your mind, awaken intuition and experience greater joy, mental clarity and creativity in your daily life.
Additional takeaways on Meditation
- The yogic meaning of meditation
- How, when & how long to meditate
- The value of prayer, chanting, and devotion in deepening your meditations
- Why people slouch, how to easily keep the spine straight, and why that’s important
- Ways of avoiding your legs going numb
Takeaways from Two Supporting Techniques: Energization & Ananda Yoga
- How to apply will-power, energy and magnetism to recharge your body with life-force, to combat fatigue and deepen your meditations
- A clear and practical understanding of the way these inter-related principles work together
- How these same principles apply to pranic healing methods, group meditations, and more.
- How these same principles can be applied to bring greater success in any field of endeavor
- How to use asanas (physical postures) to help you attain higher awareness, making yoga routines a “work-in” rather than a “work-out”
- How to use mental affirmations to deepen your awareness of the unique vibrational benefits of each asana, to gain more from them while deepening the integration between body, mind and spirit
- Learn asanas to center your awareness in the spine, internalize your awareness, and bring energy to the brain, deepening your meditations
- Learn pranayamas to help you reduce stress, lower blood pressure and prepare for meditation
- Learn routines that you can practice at home, to help you deepen your meditations
Testimonials from Past Meditation Classes:
“I thank you with all my heart for taking me through the path to meditation laid by the great Gurus. Your selfless sharing and devotion has touched me deeply. Our conversations would remain with me for my lifetime as a very cherished memory. I have never met a teacher with so much commitment and patience towards a learner.” —A.R., Pune
“I am really delighted to take my 1st step in spiritual awakening world! The ashram is best place to leave all your day-to-day worries, rejuvenate & go back to your day-to-day activities full of energy.” —A.J., Pune
“I arrived at Ananda not having heard of it before. It was a sweet surprise! I feel like I opened a door that will take me a long way. I have been introduced to meditation and to Yogananda teachings and I feel like I finally found what I really needed. Thank you for everything!!” — A.M., Italy
“Freedom is God, and this is what brings me here, complete freedom. This place has given a choice to be in my own space & be myself. I dwell in peace, calm & above all a part of nature. I am able to connect to God & myself. I thank you all.” — P.C., Mumbai
About the instructors:
Acharya Dharana served in Ananda Palo Alto (USA), Ananda Assisi (Italy) and Ananda India, before becoming the primary Acharya here at the Ananda Meditation Retreat in 2015. He first began teaching in Italy, where Swami Kriyananda made him a minister, and has been teaching people how to meditate for over 20 years. Dharana has been practicing Kriya Yoga regularly for 34 years.
Pritesh Bhadange has been practicing Kriya Yoga since 2021, and guiding Ananda Yoga sessions with a certification from the Yoga Alliance. He’s also received additional certifications in Advanced Asanas, Meditation Teacher Training, Yoga for Children, and Yoga and Ayurveda.
All participants should arrive by 10 am on Friday, 15th November, so that you can get settled in your room and be ready for the orientation that will begin at 11 am.
The program will end with lunch on Sunday, 17th November, from 1-2 pm.
Note that the classes are progressive in nature, with many classes building on the information covered in the previous classes. That makes it difficult to accept someone new after several classes have already happened. For the sake of all the other participants, please try your best to arrive on time!
<Detailed schedule coming soon>
Accommodations & Rates:
The rate for this 3 day, 2 night workshop is only Rs 6,000 per person, including 3 meals per day, all discourses & sessions, as well as a course book, “Lessons in Meditation.” Accommodations are included in a fully furnished, shared room.
For more information on Accommodation and reservations:
Email retreat@anandaindia.org
or call/WhatsApp: 9011069792
For more information on the topics covered:
Call or WhatsApp Dharana at 7350004561